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1502 posts

Canonical produces Ubuntu, provides commercial services for Ubuntu's users, and works with hardware manufacturers, software vendors and cloud partners to certify Ubuntu.

16 September 2010

Canonical announces provisional Ubuntu Developer Summit tracks

Desktop News

Canonical announces provisional Ubuntu Developer Summit tracks Held in October, UDS Tracks & Details Available on Newly-Launched Canonical Ltd., the commercial sponsor of Ubuntu, unveiled the a list of provisional tracks for the Ubuntu Developer Summit (UDS) scheduled for October 25-29, 2010 in Orlando, Florida. To be confi ...

15 September 2010

It’s all about Greek

Ubuntu Design

We are familiar with the Latin alphabet; we are used to seeing it’s forms and shapes and we read it without thinking. When we design Latin fonts, we can rely on our intuition and experience to create the letter shapes; we feel when a character is right or wrong. When designing a non-Latin typeface we ...

14 September 2010

Getting physical

Ubuntu Design

Introduction With the ingress in the market of products like Nintendo Wii, Apple iPhone and Microsoft Kinect, developers finally started realizing that there are several ways a person can control a computer besides keyboards, mice and touch screens. These days there are many alternatives, obviously based on hardware sensors, and the main ...

13 September 2010

Screens everywhere

Ubuntu Design

This is a fabulous little invention especially as I’m a keen cyclist in the city.Nicked from Steve Clayton’s fabulous blog. ...

10 September 2010

This week in design – 10 September 2010

Ubuntu Design

I don’t want to sound like a broken record but “PHEW! What a week”. Next Thursday will be our final freeze for Maverick. After this point it’s full steam ahead bug fixing, checking translations and making sure everything is ready for the release on the 10th Ocotober. The main news from the design team is ...

10 September 2010

Which way to slant the Hebrew

Ubuntu Design

Here is a design conundrum: which way to lean the Hebrew Italic design. Logic, and probably common sense, would dictate that it should slant in the reading direction. However, I think we have to consider wider implications on this issue, and I would like to ask for the community’s opinion on this issue. Personally, I ...

10 September 2010

Third update to the Ubuntu Light Themes

Ubuntu Design

Still Andrea Cimitan, still good news for you 🙂 This is a small blog post to list few of the changes we did to light-themes: Menuitem speedup, hurray!!! 😀 Subtle shadow on inactive notebook’s tabs White text color on GtkProgressBar Increased visibility of the resize gripper Fixed contrast applied to elements in GtkStatusbar More compatibi ...

9 September 2010


Ubuntu Design

In this latest post discussing development of the Ubuntu family of fonts, Bruno discusses scope, charactersets and what’s coming as part of the Ubuntu typeface. Where do you begin, where do you stop? In the case of the Ubuntu font project, the second part of the question is easily answered – when all the glyphs ...

9 September 2010

Meerkats like the sun?!

Ubuntu Design

Today I got another e-mail from a statue. There’s a perfectly normal sentence … This time from a beach where Rick says he’s having an amazing time relaxing after his conference! So what have we learned so far, apart from the fact that an unattended Meerkat is likely to wander off if left for too ...

8 September 2010

Exciting things in the post!

Ubuntu Design

A couple of months back Marcus and I got a call from a magazine in Japan who wanted to produce stickers for Ubuntu. We’d _just_ signed off the new logo and word mark and so we collaborated back and forth and finally yesterday the finished article arrived! And here are the lovely stickers! They look ...

6 September 2010

We are hiring: Design Engineer

Ubuntu Article

We are looking for a Design Engineer with superb technical and communication skills to join the Design Team. Is that you? ...

3 September 2010

This week in design – 3 September 2010

Ubuntu Design

This week was a short one in the UK but it seems as though we set out to fill it with as much as we possibly could! For a start we hit beta this week. If you’ve not upgraded to Maverick, you really should. We all have and are enjoying the updated Radiance and Ambiance ...