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1502 posts

Canonical produces Ubuntu, provides commercial services for Ubuntu's users, and works with hardware manufacturers, software vendors and cloud partners to certify Ubuntu.

14 April 2010

My image of the day

Ubuntu Notes

An example of Gemma Correll’s work. ...

7 April 2010

The process of certainty. And mojitos.

Ubuntu Design

You know that feeling when you know someone very well and you buy them a present? You know they will love it and you are excited at the very thought of their delight? Part of you is a little scared though. A few butterflies in the stomach. What if I have misread? What if they ...

3 April 2010

The Digital Economy Bill: Bananas!

Ubuntu Design

Over at Confused of Calcutta, JP Rangaswami has written a crystal clear article on why we should be concerned about the content and treatment of the Digital Economy Bill.Wherever you live, whatever your interests I urge you to read it.If you live in the UK, whatever your position I urge you to write to your ...

24 March 2010

Reasons to celebrate: 24th March 2010

Ubuntu Design

Today is Ada Lovelace day.Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace was born on 10th December 1815, the only child of Lord Byron and his wife, Annabella. Born Augusta Ada Byron, but now known simply as Ada Lovelace, she wrote the world’s first computer programmes for the Analytical Engine, a general-purpose machine that Charles Babbage had ...

24 March 2010

Ubuntu Server Survey 2010 released

Ubuntu Server

We are ready to release the report on the server survey, the information for which was gathered at the tail end of 2009 by the server community in collaboration with Canonical. The survey contained a vast array of questions, many of which were general and many others user-prompted depending on previous response. We are grateful ...

24 March 2010

Ada Lovelace and the Turing Test

Ubuntu Design

In Computing Machinery and Intelligence, Alan Turing describes the famous Turing test for detecting machine intelligence. Did you know that Turing’s thesis was heavily influenced by Ada Lovelace’s critique of Babbage’s Analytical Engine, wherein she states that “the Analytical Engine has no pretensions to originate anything,” arguing that ...

24 March 2010

It’s Ada Lovelace Day

Ubuntu Design

I’ve always liked Ada. She was the first to see the musical potential of computers. Here, look at this old blog post in which I mention her. As proof! Homebrew Adventures 😉A tip of my hat to Ada then. And tips all round to that small elite of n ...

18 March 2010


Ubuntu Design

I was looking for new phone wallpapers last night and stumbled across loads of examples of this. The iPhone doesn’t have a main calendar screen like other manufacturers but what I love about this is the way that people have made do and shared their work with the world. There are themed ones, valentines ones, ...

14 March 2010

Not that kind of bored

Ubuntu Design

Inspired by this brilliant picture and wee post over at the Panic Inc. blog I’ve not been able to shake the idea of making a similar status view for us to use when designing Ubuntu and related products. We’re always looking to enhance our processes and what I really like the idea of is creating ...

13 March 2010

Andalusia deploys 220,000 Ubuntu desktops in schools throughout the region

Desktop Case study

Summary The Andalusian Regional Government, Spain, wanted to improve access to IT in schools throughout the region. It asked IT services company infrastructure to connect 2,000 schools in Andalusia. Isotrol implemented 220,000 Ubuntu-based workstations in more than 2,000 schools throughout the region. Now, technology plays an integral rol ...

12 March 2010

Love it from it’s Lucid ears to little Lucid toeses!

Ubuntu Design

I really can’t tell you how exciting a place to be Canonical towers is right now! Yes, it’s hard work keeping up with all the feedback from the community, we’re terrifyingly close to a release and have to deliver final and updated assets until the cows come home and YES it’s UDS in 8 weeks ...

11 March 2010

Intel, Eucalyptus and Canonical join forces to help user build cloud infrastructures confidently

Ubuntu Server

A few weeks ago myself and Dustin Kirkland had the privilege of travelling to the Intel facility in Hillsboro, Oregon to work with Billy Cox, Rekha Raghu, Paul Guermonprez, Trevor Cooper and Kamal Natesan of Intel and Dan Nurmi and Neil Soman of Eucalyptus Systems and a few others on developing a proof of concept ...